Review the decision of freezing of DA/DR, 20 लाख करोड़ के पैकेज के बाद महंगाई भत्ते के फ्रीज का निर्णय रिव्‍यू करे सरकार

Review the decision of freezing of DA/DR –20 लाख करोड़ के पैकेज के बाद महंगाई भत्ते के फ्रीज का निर्णय रिव्‍यू करे सरकार AIRF writes to Finance Minister

नई दिल्ली ! केंद्र सरकार द्वारा 20 लाख करोड़ के पैकेज की घोषणा के बाद AIRF महामंत्री शिवगोपाल मिश्रा ने कहा कि अब केन्द्रीय और राज्य सरकार कर्मचारियों के महंगाई भत्ते को फ्रीज करने के फैसले को भी खत्म करना चाहिए ! चूंकि विपरीत हालातो में भी रेल कर्मचारी पूरी मेहनत से काम कर रहे है, इसलिए उनके भत्ते के आदेश को रिव्यू किया जाना चाहिए ! क. शिव गोपाल मिश्र आज ABP न्यूज पे बात कर रहे थे। पैकेज में मजदूरों के कल्याण के लिए उचित हिस्से की व्यवस्था होनी चाहिए।

All India Railwaymen’s Federation

Dated: May 13, 2020
Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman,
Hon’ble Finance Minister,
Ministry of Finance,
(Government of India),
North Block
New Delhi

Respected Madam,

Sub: Freezing of Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief – Reg.
Ref.: MoF(Deptt. of Exp.), Government of India’s O.M. No.1/1/2020–E-II(B) dated 23.04.2020

Kindly refer to our earlier communication dated April 27, 2020 on the above subject matter.
As already explained, the COVID-19 Pandemic has created an unprecedented for situation, not only in our country, but also across the globe. The Central Government Employees, including Railwaymen, are, however, exerting a lot to combat the situation, and the Railwaymen are working hard 24X7 with full devotion and dedication to maintain uninterrupted supply chain of all the essential commodities and goods, viz. Food grains, Sugar, Petroleum, Vegetables, Milk, Medical Items etc. throughout the country, by running large-number of timetabled Goods and Parcel Trains.

You may appreciate that, Hon’ble Prime Minister of India as well as Hon’ble Minister for Railways have repeatedly applauded and praised the contribution of the Railwaymen in this COVID-19 crisis, facing the risk of Corona virus threat.

While addressing the Nation on 12th May, 2020, Hon’ble Prime Minister has announced a Mega Package for all the sections of the society to combat the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis to boost the economy as well as morale of the country.

Since Railwaymen are performing their duties to transport aforementioned goods as well as Migrant Workers and have further started operating “Special Trains” for common rail users w.e.f. 12.04.2020, they can in no way be treated less than “COVID-19 Warriors”. As already submitted vide our letter dated 27.04.2020, freezing of Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief, has proved to be extremely de-motivational rather than boosting their morale by sanctioning some Additional Incentive to them.
I would, therefore, request your goodself that, in the wake of Hon’ble Prime Minister’s announcement of Mega Package of Rupees Twenty Lakh Crore, the orders of freezing Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief be withdrawn to boost the morale of the Railway Employees and other Central Government Employees who are fighting day-and-night against the COVID-19 Pandemic.
An early action in the matter shall be highly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary
Copy to: General Secretaries, all affiliated unions for information.



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