Please check in HACLINQ to view ledger of 0382 and cross check debit and credit entries
✓ Credit entries include amount which was released to shadow balance , but not regularized
That means , Balance = Effective balance + funds in clearing ( Released to shadow balance, but not regularized)
✓ Use HOIQ and enter Account field 0382 account, Instrument status
" Released to Shadow balance", in Set ID field enter Circle Set ID or HO SOL ID
to know the pending cheques which were released to shadow balance , but not regularized
✓ Cheques which need to be rejected, reject the same in Inward zone meant for outward rejects which will reduce the balance
✓ Cheques for which account opening is pending, then do account opening
Find out the reason for underutilized amount ( There are credits / excess credits , but no debits in 0382)
Please ask division to record findings and issue approval for transferring the excess amount ( excluding funds in clearing) from 0382 to 0101 with proper remarks
Thanks & regards,
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