New Procedure for Higher value withdrawal approval of RICT BO at Account Office in Finacle

New Procedure for Higher value withdrawal approval of RICT at Account Office in Finacle

Many POs are still unaware about how to deal with Higher Value withdrawals. They just manually verify and send voucher Back to BOs and due to this Requested withdrawal amount goes under lien and BPM can not affect payment. 

the procedure for Higher value withdrawal approval of RICT BO A/c’s in Finacle is as Under

1-Invoke EXCW menu

2-Select Function as MODIFY

3-Enter A/c Number

4-Click on Search mirror in the field of REQUEST ID

5-Select the request Id and make sure that the amount shown is as is in SB-7 form

6--Click on GO

7--Check and verify Sign using F9 or Signature icon.

8-After tallying sign, select APPROVE/REJECT in ACTION field drop down list.

Then simply click on OK button and now it's all done

Send that voucher Back to BOs

Note. - Now BPM should use higher value withdrawal option in MCD not a simple cash withdrawal option to make payment.

You can download SOP from given below download link
