New Advisory issued Regarding Personalized ATM Debit Card
Printing and dispatch of personalized and replaced personalized cards is under process. In this regard, following instructions should be adhered by all SOLs/DOs:
1. As there is limited stock of cards, SOLs should place personalized and replaced personalized cards only for customers, who transact frequently in the POs.
2. SOLs can only place the request till 15.12.2017.
3. SOLs should update correct Last name, current complete address and mobile number of the customer at CIF level before placing request in CCMM menu for any type of card. SOLs should also check and correct for any special characters at Name, Address and Unique ids (PAN and Aadhar). Verification should be done for all the corrected CIFs.
4. Though instructions were issued from this office, still SOLs across India have placed large number of personalized and replaced personalized cards from? 29.06.2017 onwards. For any inquiry regarding dispatch particulars of the cards/PINs, for which request was placed in this period, send email on or after 20.12.2017.
5. Instructions circulated regarding personalized and replaced personalized cards are again attached for your reference and circulation to all concerned.
Kindly circulate above information to all concerned.
Thanks & regards,
Incharge Operations, DOP ATM Unit
CBS-CPC, 4th Floor, Bengaluru GPO Building
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