Instructions to be followd during issue of ATM Card

CIF level Checks  
Ø Below issues at CIF will lead to non activation of cards:
Ø Last name column in CIF should not exceed 35 Characters
Ø Last Name column in CIF should not contain special and numeric characters
Ø Address line  at CIF level should not exceed 35 characters and special character s like (<, >, ?)
Ø Name at account level should be as mentioned in the CIF

Wrong issuance of Instant Cards
Ø SOLs are dispatching Instant ATM card duly linked to the account by post which may lead to mis-appropriation as both PIN and card will be available in the same envelope.
Ø SOLs are placing New card request after hotlisting /personalized card request / Replacement /closure which will lead to non-activation of new card request and that kit/card cannot be used further and reflects in inactive cards.
Ø Issuing of new kit for the CIF which was already issued with another Kit number.
Ø SOLs are placing ATM PIN request multiple times with out waiting for the receipt of PIN from National ATM Unit.
Ø Many SOLs are just sending mails for duplicate PIN with out placing request in CCMM menu
Closure of ATM Card
Ø SOLs are closing the accounts with out closing the ATM cards. Such cards will be in active status and cannot be closed in later stage.
Ø Few SOLs have closed the existing cards and again placed new card request, which will not get activated.
CIF merger of ATM issued accounts
Ø Once the ATM cards are issued to any of the SB accounts, such CIFs should not be merged to any other CIF.
Ø After merging the CIF, one more card is being issued to the new CIF of the same account. In such a case both the cards will be active and lead to fraudulent transactions.
Eligibility criteria Issuing of ATM cards
Ø Cards should be issued only to SB General and Pension accounts.
Ø In case of Joint, should be issued only to Joint “B”
Ø ATM cards should not be issued to Minor, Illiterate, Joint “A”, SBBAS, BO accounts and Lunatic accounts.
Ø Only one card per customer should be issued. In case of multiple accounts, linking should be done after activation of card with the primary account
Procedure for issue of duplicate ATM cards in case of missing of the original one :
Under CCMM menu use Modify function and enter CIF id and in the next screen select Action as "hotlist and replace or Replacement in case already hotlisted. Then select Card type as Personalized and again click on Instant. Then enter the Instant kit number which is to be issued to the customer and card will get activated after 24 hours.
