Recovery of Wrongful/Excess Payment Made to Government Servants

Recovery of Wrongful/Excess Payment Made to Government Servants

Government of lndia
Ministry of Communications
Department of posts
Establishment Division/PAP Section]
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Dethi- 110001

Dared: 13.10.2017

All Chief Post Masters General,
All General Managers (Postal Accounts & Finance),
All Directors of Accounts (Postal),
The Director, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai National postal Academy, Ghaziabad, u.p.
All Directors of PTGs

Sub.. : Recovery of wrongful / excess payment made to Government servants.

I am directed to forward herewith the copy of Ministry of personnel, public Grievances & Pensions, Department of Personnel a Training! office Memorandum No.1U03/2015'Estt.(Pay-l) dated 02.03.2016 on the subject- cited above and as downloaded from the official website of concerned ministries, for kind information and further necessary action at your end.

2. Office Memorandum may be circulated to all sub-ordinate offices concerned, with direction to dispose all case on the subjects.

Encf,: As above.

Asstt. Director General [ESTT] 

Copy for kind information to :

1. Sr. PPS to Secretary (posts) / pps to DG (posts).
2. All member of Postal Seruices Board,
3. JS & FA (Posts), 4. DDG (PAF / Secretary (PSB) /GM(F)BDD/ CGM(PLI)
5. All other DDsG in Postal Directorate
6. Guard File, 7. Spare Copy
8. SO(C&A)
9. Departmental Website through : CEPT Mysore

Nagesh Nath Jha
Asstt. Accounts Officer (PAP)
