Very important instructions for all DOP finacle users for CSI roll out

Very important instructions for all DOP finacle users for CSI roll out :
  1. Clear the inventory from all users by moving the inventory from Employee location to DL-DL by using menu HIMC.
  2. Always keep the inventory in DL-DL, if any emergency inventory movement required at counters please move only required inventory from DL-DL to Employee after that immediately ensure that inventory should be NIL in all users by the time of EOD. Pl use menu HIIA to check whether inventory exist or not .
  3. All Teller balances must be ZERO before EOD .
  4. Please instruct all users to log in into Finacle application and check that the userids should be in active status. All Non-active Finalce userids will be deleted on the day of CSI Roll out.
