Dormant SB account closure issue in DOP Finacle

Dormant SB account closure issue in DOP Finacle :-

Dormant means Silent

Since the SB account being closed is dormant, the account closure transaction is not verified and gives error.

Solution :-
The closure process has to be cancelled and the account status to be modified to Live before closing it.

Steps to be followed :

a)   Cancel the closure operation in HCAAC menu. While cancelling an user info will be shown that the transaction has to be manually reversed.   After the cancel operation in HCAAC, the transaction has to be deleted in HTM.
b)    If the account has to be closed , then  after cancelling the transaction in HTM menu
c)    Modify the account status of the SB account from Silent to Live by selecting Modify function through menu CASBAM and verify it
d)    Close the account now in HCAAC and verify it
