Procedure to be followed at CBS HO for handling Cheques received from CBS SOs

After entering the HO cheques through HOCTM, upload the SO/Other HO Cheques using the procedure mentioned below:-
Ø  On receipt of Physical Cheques from SO or HO alongwith list, HO will tally cheques with list.
Ø  Invoke HCLUPLD from supervisor menu
Ø  Copy the .txt file received from Sub Office to the required location.
Ø  Browse and upload the file path wherein the cheque lodged txt file is available in the local system
Ø  This has to be verified by the supervisor using HOCTM menu
Ø  After verification, both the HO and SO/other HO cheques will be available in the Outward Clearing Report.
Ø  Suspend the zone
Ø  Take the reports using the menu HPCLSO
Ø  If no errors are thrown, release to shadow balance will happen successfully.
Ø  Cheques received from SOs and other HOs will be sent to Clearing House alongwith cheques lodged at HO (received at HO counter).
Ø  On receipt of cheque clearance scroll from Clearing house, HO will Release the Outward Clearing Zone to shadow balance with Value Date as Cheque Clearance Date
Ø  HO will regularize the Shadow Balance.
Ø  Once regularized, funds will be credited to
1.   Respective SB account of customer and would appear in SB Consolidation of HO.
2.   Office Account 0017 of SO for cheques presented by MPKBY Agents at SO for subsequent deposit in RD.
3.   Office Account 0017 of HO for HO cheques of RD Deposits.
4.   Office Account 0017 of HO for Sub Office cheques – For subsequent deposits (RD, PPF)
5.   0382 of HO for HO cheques presented for opening new Accounts/certificates.
6.   0382 of Sub Office for cheques received from sub offices – For New account opening. 
·         Amount of cheques received from SOs for RD Deposit of MPKBY Agents and for Opening of New Accounts/Certificates will be shown as Remittance Received in advance from SO concerned and intimation will be sent to Sub Offices via E Mail as well as entry in SO Slip.
·         Amount of subsequent deposit into Savings Accounts, RD and PPF of SOs and HO received through clearing will be accounted for at HO. In case of Savings Accounts, credit will happen directly on release of shadow balance and amount will be reflected in LOT as well as Consolidation. In respect of RD and PPF, HO has to credit the amount of each cheque in respective account after looking from Pay-In-Slip from HOSOLID0017 office account. This amount will also appear in HO LOT and consolidation.

·         For new Accounts/Certificates, HO will open new accounts/certificates and fund these accounts by debiting HOSLOID0382 office account.
