Procedure to be followed at HO for handling Cheques received from SOs [Screenshots]

Procedure for Uploading SO Cheques  at HO:

  • On receipt of Physical Cheques from SO alongwith list, HO will tally cheques with list.
  • Invoke HCLUPLD from supervisor menu
  • Copy the .txt file received from Sub Office to the required location.

Then enter the following details as shown
Enter the Report To column as "Supervisor"
Enter the zone date ________________
Enter the zone code as  "MICROW"
Select the FIle location path as "Local file path" as shown in the below figure

Then click on Submit then the system will shown the below screen

Then the system will ask the upload file path select the path where the file saved in the step HTRFTOPC as shown in the below figure

Then click on GO then the system will display the message "File uploaded successfully"

Repeat the same procedure for all the SOs
