Procedure for handling Cheques presented at CBS SOs in DOP Finacle

AT CBS SUB OFFICE from where the Cheques are sent to CBS HO dealing with Clearing for clearance

Ø  Invoke the menu HOMSO
Ø  Select the function “Add”. Date will appear automatically
Ø  Click on GO
Ø  In case of subsequent deposit in Savings Account, Enter customer’s savings Account Number irrespective of where the account stands.
Ø  In case of cheques presented through MPKBY Agent LOT, enter or select from searcher SO SOLID0017 as Account number.
Ø  In case of RD Subsequent Deposit at counter, enter or select from searcher, HO SOLID0017 as Account Number.
Ø  In case of PPF Subsequent Deposit at counter, enter or select from searcher HO SOLID0017 as Account Number.
Ø  For new accounts/certificates opened by cheque, enter or select from searcher, SO SOLID0382 as Account Number.
Ø  Enter the amount of cheque
Ø  Enter the cheque number
Ø  Enter the MICR code available in the cheque (this is mandatory)
Ø  Enter the cheque date
Ø  Enter the Tran Code as 10
Ø  Click on Submit if only one cheque is available
Ø  If multiple cheques are available, click on ADD and enter the cheque details of other cheques as detailed in above steps.
Ø  Supervisor need to verify the cheques entered using same menu HOMSO
Ø  Select the function VERIFY and enter the date
Ø  Data verified successfully message will be displayed
Ø  Take the report using the menu CHLR. This menu is accessible only for OPERATOR
Ø  Report can be generated using menu CHLR
Ø  Softcopy of cheques lodges can be viewed by clicking on the explode icon
Ø  Copy the filepath from the above location
Ø  Invoke the menu HTRFTOPC. Enter the source file name (the copied content can be pasted here) and the destination directory
Ø  The txt file will be copied to the said location in the local drive.
Ø  Send this txt file along with CHEQUES to HO

Note:- Same procedure will be followed by CBS HO not dealing with clearing house but attached with another CBS HO dealing with Clearing House.

Process at SO on receipt of Intimation of clearing.       

Ø  On receipt of intimation from HO, Sub Office will post the agent lists by debiting their SOLID0017 office account.
Ø SO will open new accounts/certificates and fund these accounts by debiting their SOLID0382 office account.
Ø  SO will account for this amount as Remittance to HO or Clearing House HO against intimation of clearing received.
